Posted by: Partial parent (still scrambled) | May 29, 2012

April Fool’s.

M – That title got me to thinking. Are all jokes funny, our just the ones that make others look foolish? Are the hurtful ones funny too?

Here’s what brought my thoughts to jokes (and further, to dark humour).

The Teddy Bear Picnic is an event looked forward to by children here every year. Almost without exception, it rains. This year was no different. Granted, it was fun, as much as dashing through the freezing early morning rain (we showed up early to avoid crowds – so did many others) from tent to tent with a broken spiky umbrella can be. We showed up early and left early too. As we drive away, the rain petered out and the sun forced clouds aside to smile and dry those below. Sigh. Funny? It may make for a good story and have other people smile to hear about it, but it did not seem too cheerful in the park that morning (at least until we left). Hilarious, Mother Nature, hilarious. All this happened in the month of May, The title bespeaks of another.

Looking back nearly a month, we forgot the ‘significance’ of April 1st until after it had passed. We just enjoyed all the things we have and downplayed what we do not.  We did not trick others, there was no special treat. Like most ordinary days here, it was Trick AND Treat. It was a neat trick to get everyone together and happy [which D seems to do daily – I surely couldn’t], and therein lies the treat (we all enjoyed ourselves).

None of that relates to these pictures, as the ones we have are all stuck on memory cards and refuse to be uploaded (needless to say, if when we get them on the computer, there will be far too many to sort through 😀 )

While one made sure dolls et al were fed and happy…

Everybody SHARE! I mean it!

There weren’t enough cupcakes to go around. You each get just one bite

The other wanted to see where the cupcakes were made. Granted, they were fake and an adjunct to the galley. Didn’t matter.

Is this post essential to keeping it upright?

Again, tech vs toy.

What does the ‘redial’ button do?…

So similar, so different.

The list does on. We survive (and adapt to) tricks, and bathe in the treats.


  1. That outing sounded like it was more trouble than it was worth (at least for the two grown ups)- but you never know when that’ll be the case and sometimes the opposite is true and sometimes it comes out about equal and anyway, staying at home all the time would be pretty boring.


  2. True, it sounded that way, but the overall experience was well worth it. The weather will just make it more memorable. 🙂

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